Sexy Red Dress Photoshoot

Sexy red dress photoshoot is a powerful experience that every woman should have from time to time.

The power of red dress

Being a portrait photographer, I witness many times photographing my female clients how the color red changes the mood. Immediately the woman become more sure of herself, more sexy. Moreover the sexiness is not just an outside look change, it’s an internal movement of energy. Like some magic trick, it feeds your body and sole with passion. Same goes for red lipstick, or red nail polish. But the red dress I think is much more powerful.

Juliati own sexy red dress photoshoot

This time I needed a boost of that yammy vitamin. I have a big collection of gorgeous dresses and lusious lingerie for my clients to use for their photo shoots. And my last addition was this stunning silk and chiffon flamenco flair red dress. So I was eager to try it on, and test it for the camera look.

And how exciting it was! The dress fits perfectly on the body (it is medium size with a little stretch, which will fit sizes 4-8). Becouse the siluet of the dress has an hourglass shape, it was perfect to the still poses to create that classic glamourous look. But it was also great for movement, due to big flowy skirt.

Similar to my clients’ experiences during and after this photography session I felf wonderful. Now looking at my photos I’m not just loving what I see, but I also feel that powerful energy inside. Awww red dress! You are my favorite!


I love dance. Thus, I alway incorporate movement in my portrait photography. Either flowy dresses or fabrics, or maybe just hair – there is alway something creating movement.

Check the samples on my website Westchester Glamour Photoshoot Juliati Photography Studio

Contact me to schedule a complimentary Studio Consulation to discuss and plan your Sexy Red Dress Photoshoot Contact Julia Juliati Glamour Photographer